Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Good Morning!

So it's Wednesday morning and my first day of class was yesterday! I know what you're thinking, "But Carm, I thought you said the first day of school was on Monday?" Well it was supposed to be. I woke up Monday morning and I was so excited for school to start! I had my outfit all picked out and I was ready to go. I checked my e-mail like I do every morning and low-and-behold my teacher e-mailed saying the first day of class was canceled! Super bummer! So I did absolutely nothing on Monday, which I guess was alright since I was feeling a little under the weather. So yesterday was my first day of on-ground class. It was web design II. WDII actually isn't required for my Graphic Design Certificate, but I enjoyed WD I so much that I really wanted to take the second one and learn more coding, CSS, and Dreamweaver. Enough about school....

I started reading the book The Secret again. You know, it's that book about the law of attraction. I don't really believe it to the extend that the book explains it that every single thing in our life was brought in by our thoughts. Like this cold I got. I don't believe that I was "thinking sick thoughts" and that's why I got sick. No, I believe I got sick because Phil is in that Martial Arts class right now, he was wrestling around with a sick dude, got Phil sick, and vowa-la, I'm sick! Anyways, even though I don't believe it 100%, I do believe it to some degree so I'm giving it a try. Plus, thinking positive thoughts never hurt anyone. My positive affirmations right now are:  "I will have a successful career in Graphic Design" and "I will be a skinny, sexy, hot bitch!" haha. Ask and you shall succeed, right?

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